Everyone deserves a safe and fair workplace. Unfortunately, sexual harassment remains a pervasive employment law problem throughout the U.S. If you believe an employer, co-worker or customer is making unwelcome sexual advances, you need to take appropriate steps to...
Advocating For California Employee Rights
Employment Law
How do you prove wrongful termination?
California, like most states, is an at-will employment state. Basically, this means that either party (employer or employee) can terminate the employment contract at any time and for any reason. However, both state and federal laws prohibit employers from dismissing...
Sexual harassment doesn’t have to occur within the workplace
Many companies give their employees plenty of opportunities to “bond” and be around each other outside of work. They encourage employees to join in after-work Happy Hour gatherings, softball games, company picnics, volunteer projects and holiday parties. A combination...
Refresh your knowledge of wrongful termination in California
In most states, including California, employment is at will. It means you may leave your job anytime you like for any reason. It also means that your employer can terminate you at any time, with or without cause. However, at-will employment does not give employers...
How long do you have to sue for wrongful dismissal in CA?
Like most states, California applies at-will employment provisions. Under this provision, either the employer or the employee can terminate the employment relationship at any time, and for whatever reason. However, certain exceptions apply to this general rule, such...
You don’t have to “put up” with sexist jokes
You may have a co-worker or a supervisor who likes to make off-color jokes. Maybe they see it as a way of bonding with the other employees. Maybe they honestly think the jokes are funny and not offensive. You find these jokes to be inappropriate for the workplace, and...
3 ways employers violate wage and hour laws
Both California and federal laws provide protections for workers’ wages and hours. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for some employers to violate these protections. Sometimes, these violations happen unintentionally. However, there are instances when employers...
Strategies for dealing with a workplace bully
Workplace stress is a fairly routine experience for many people. However, this stress is usually manageable and should certainly not impact a person’s health. Unfortunately, stress can be caused by something much more serious than a heavy workload, such as workplace...
3 instances when you can pursue wrongful termination
California is an “at-will” employment state. Basically, this means that either party can walk out of the employment contract without necessarily disclosing their reasons for doing so. However, an employer cannot fire you for unlawful reasons. If this happens, then you...
Is your boss trying to make work uncomfortable for you?
For the most part, you enjoy your job and you’re good at it. However, like in most other workplaces, pressure can run high at times. You’ve noticed a recent pattern of behavior from your boss that makes you feel uncomfortable. They seem to be asserting their authority...