Advocating For California Employee Rights

Is your boss trying to make work uncomfortable for you?

On Behalf of | Jul 13, 2022 | Employment Law

For the most part, you enjoy your job and you’re good at it. However, like in most other workplaces, pressure can run high at times. You’ve noticed a recent pattern of behavior from your boss that makes you feel uncomfortable. They seem to be asserting their authority when it is not necessary, in an attempt to intimidate you.

All workers in California have a legal right to work in an environment that is free from hostility and discrimination. What are your options if your boss is trying to make work uncomfortable?

Focus on your job performance

At the end of the day, as long as you’re doing your work as instructed, then your boss can raise no legitimate grievance. It may be easier said than done, but it’s important to try and focus on your job performance in case you raise a grievance yourself in the future. Note down what you do each day and ask another supervisor for approval if possible.

What if it’s impossible to continue?

It may not always be possible to continue with your work when intimidating behavior becomes too much. At this stage, you really need to focus on your well-being. Make a record of everything that has happened and try to provide as accurate a timeline as possible.

Go up the ladder

Your company should have procedures in place for you to raise grievances about your superiors. If necessary, raise the issue with upper management or the Human Resources department. They should be able to assess the situation impartially and come up with a resolution that means you can get back to doing what you do best.

You have legal rights

Despite your best efforts, there may simply be no internal solution to your boss’s behavior. If this is the case, then you may need to assert your rights as an employee in California. Seeking legal guidance on the matter will give you the best idea of how to do this.