Many people spend the majority of their day in their work environments. Therefore, workplace discrimination can have a strong, negative impact on their lives.In order to address discrimination, one must first be able to identify it. Along with the common types...
Advocating For California Employee Rights
Signs of an unhealthy workplace
It is important for your workplace environment to be healthy. The culture at your job not only affects your happiness and productivity, but it may also be illegal. Discrimination, harassment and unpaid wages are all examples of unlawful employment practices.How...
What should independent contractors do with unpaid wage claims?
Independent contractors make up a significant portion of the U.S. workforce. In May of 2017, the share of workers who fell into this category was between 1.3% and 3.8%. Many of these employees do business in California, and while working as an independent...
Sales reps, contracts and issues with earned commissions
Road warriors, as sales representatives are often called, spend much of their time traveling and meeting with current or prospective customers.Sales reps expect to receive commissions according to company policy, but trouble may arise when they try to collect those...
The affects of the #metoo movement on the workplace
The #metoo movement is the latest wave to bring awareness to the need for protection against harassing behavior. With all the support of this movement, its impact is extensive.In fact, though it started in the entertainment industry, it has also brought light to...
Did age discrimination play a role in your termination?
Let us say you were in sales with an Orange County software company. A new manager took over the department where you worked and began making personnel changes.You were passed over for advancement and finally terminated along with two other employees. At the age of...
Statistics show more employees are facing retaliation
Reporting illegal activity is the right thing to do. Unfortunately, too many workers in California face retaliation at work for reporting misconduct or illegal acts. According to recent statistics, the number of employees who have faced retaliation for...
Subtle forms of racial discrimination at work
With race currently a hot topic in America, more victims of racism are speaking out about their experiences. As a result, more people are being careful of what they do and say to avoid being racist, including in the workplace. While this is an appropriate response...
Unethical acts may go unreported due to the fear of retaliation
When an employee witnesses an illegal act in the workplace, he or she should do the right thing and report it. Unfortunately, employees may fear retaliation, and thus illegal or inappropriate actions can go unreported. However, many California...
Losing a job to retaliation can be devastating
In modern-day American, securing a stable job is the cornerstone of living a productive and fulfilled life. Having a job taken away as the result of retaliation is something that can psychologically and financially scar a person for the rest...