Advocating For California Employee Rights

Subtle forms of racial discrimination at work

On Behalf of | Dec 26, 2018 | Uncategorized

With race currently a hot topic in America, more victims of racism are speaking out about their experiences. As a result, more people are being careful of what they do and say to avoid being racist, including in the workplace. While this is an appropriate response that will lead to positive changes, lesser forms of racism will take longer to disappear.

Most people are aware of blatantly racist behaviors, such as using derogatory terms or harassing someone. However, awareness of less noticeable actions is not as high, and therefore, they still happen, even by people who think they are inclusive. Watch out for these subtle clues that you may be suffering racial discrimination at work.

Additional employee standards

Companies have the right to create and enforce dress codes and other employee standards to ensure professionalism. However, you should not have to adhere to additional standards based on racial factors, such as demanding you style your hair a certain way that is difficult for its type. If your employer singles you out for extra rules or violations, he or she may be discriminating against you.

Fewer opportunities

Employee growth within the workplace is supposed to depend on personal skills, experience and worthiness. You may be finding that your co-workers are receiving more opportunities than you despite having the same qualifications. This can manifest in raises, promotions, leadership roles, mentoring and recognition. If the only difference between you and the people who are getting these privileges is race, you may have a discrimination claim.

When you do obtain an opportunity, your colleagues may question the reason why you got it, such as attributing it to affirmative action instead of deserved eligibility.

More demands and penalties

On the other hand, you may also receive more work than others. Your employer may require you to spend more overtime or do tasks that are beneath your position. Likewise, you may receive punishment more often or for things that others do not receive penalties for. You may also experience retaliation for speaking out against these injustices.