Advocating For California Employee Rights

Former Walmart executive alleges his firing was retaliation

On Behalf of | Mar 28, 2018 | Uncategorized

Every person knows that losing a job can have significant financial ramifications, especially in California where the cost of living continues to increase. However, the loss of employment can also have profound emotional and psychological effects. This can be a downright traumatic experience, especially when loss of employment comes at the hands of retaliation. When employers are caught in the act of illegal business practices, they will often retaliate against employees that speak up.

A former executive of Walmart filed a lawsuit against his former employer over claims that his firing was the result of retaliation. The lawsuit asserts that Walmart has been skewing the numbers of its online sales. Allegations in the lawsuit claim that Walmart has been purposely miscategorizing some items listed, which can result in merchants who sell through their website being overcharged.

Other allegations claim that the company did not process close to $7 million in returns. According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff was fired from his job after raising concerns about these questionable acts. Allegedly, he was then terminated from his position in 2017. He accuses his former employer of violating labor laws that offer protection for whistleblowers.

Employment laws in California and all across the country give workers the right to speak up about concerns in the workplace without fear of retaliation. Those who feel they were unjustly fired from a job could benefit by seeking the services of an experienced attorney to help them through this difficult experience. A successfully litigated lawsuit could provide much-needed compensation to offset lost wages.

Source:, “A former Walmart executive’s lawsuit claims the retailer has been inflating e-commerce growth numbers“, Jason Del, March 15, 2018