It doesn’t matter what your profession or job title is; you should have a contract that outlines the rights and responsibilities of you and your new employer. And while you may be excited to start a new endeavor, you must be sure you understand all the details before signing.
Here are some key components that should be included in your employee contract:
1. Job Duties
The contract should specify your job title, your daily tasks and responsibilities, who you report to and performance indicators.
2. Compensation and Benefits
You need to be compensated for the job that you do, so your employment contract needs to address that. It should clearly state the amount you are paid, hourly or salary, how often you will receive a paycheck and if there is overtime pay.
It should also mention if you were eligible for benefits such as health insurance, dental and vision insurance, short-term disability, and some sort of retirement plan.
3. Time off
Your employee contract should outline how many vacation days are entitled to per year, how they accrue, and any rules around using them, such as notification periods. The contract should also detail your company’s sick leave policy and the specific observed holidays.
4. Termination clause
It seems odd that you would be thinking of termination before you even start, but a termination clause in your employee contract ensures both you and the company will be protected if your employment doesn’t work out.
The clause should specify how much notice needs to be given by either party, the reasons under which the employer can terminate the contract, and any severance pay.
Starting a new job can be exciting as you look forward to new challenges. But you must review your contract thoroughly and ask questions about anything you don’t understand. As an employee, you have certain rights, and it’s imperative they are protected.